Sedation Dentistry Near You

At our local dental practice, we provide sedation dentistry treatment to help you have a positive appointment. This service can also aid you if you want to combine several procedures, have a low pain tolerance, or experience nervousness when coming in for a visit.

Approximately 30% of people have some form of dental anxiety; this unique treatment can help you comfortably acquire the care you need. Our dentist near you is here to help you regain your beautiful smile in a way that suits your needs and preferences. Call our dental practice to find out more.

Sedation Dentistry in Grande Prairie

Types of Sedation Dentistry

At our practice in Grande Prairie, we offer three main types of sedation dentistry treatment: nitrous oxide, oral sedation with a pill or liquid, and intravenous sedation are all possible based on the needs of the patient.

There are also four levels of sedation: inhaled minimal sedation, oral sedation, moderate sedation and deep sedation/general anesthesia. Depending on the level you receive, you can remain awake and responsive, feel drowsy, or be completely unconscious.

1. Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is typically called “laughing gas” and is the most common form of sedation used in dentistry. It is breathed in to help calm a person. During the dental procedure, you will be awake and able to talk with your dental team. However, it lessens anxiety, makes time pass quickly, helps reduce the gag reflex and decreases your pain. This type of sedation is often recommended for children so that they will associate their dental visits with a positive and comfortable experience. Many can drive home after this sedation.

2. Oral Sedation/Pill

Oral sedation can be delivered through a pill (Halcion) or a liquid as determined by your dentist.  Before your exam, you will take the medicine. As with nitrous oxide, you will be awake and able to communicate but will be calm and have less discomfort. This method can produce either minimal or moderate sedation. Minimal sedation keeps you awake and relaxed. Moderate sedation may cause you to start slurring your speech, and you may fall into a light sleep. This is also a common method of sedation.

3. Intravenous Sedation

Intravenous sedation (IV) provides a moderate or deep level of sedation. The medication is administered into your bloodstream via a small needle. You will be monitored during your exam to ensure your vitals remain strong throughout. Your dentist in Grande Prairie can also adjust the level of the sedative when necessary. This sedative is often used when you require a complex treatment or multiple procedures at the same time.

Call Our Team Today

If you are among the many patients who have avoided the dentist because you would rather endure your oral pain than come in for treatment, getting sedation dentistry near you can help bring you back your peace of mind. Our goal at Cobblestone Dental is to create a plan that will provide you with the best experience possible.

Please call or come by our local dental office to speak with a team member. We are happy to address any questions you might have.